Why having a video marketing strategy matters?

Content first of all has to have a purpose and it should also engage, educate and have empathy to truly capture your audiences attention with so much competition for a viewers attention.

You have to consider - What is the goal or result you'd like to achieve from a video or package of content?

Even more importantly though you need to have a plan for getting it in front of your audiences so it gets seen - How and where are your customers going to see the content?

Having an effective video marketing strategy in place helps to distribute your videos to your target audience and achieve results for your brand or business.

For your company, brand or organisation it might just mean posting it natively on the relevant social channels and on your website that will achieve your results however if paid advertising is a route you wish to pursue you can really tap into the potential of social media and google to get your videos seen and increase sales or traffic.

Did you know you can target incredibly specific demographics - this means your ad spend goes further - you can refine your ad settings so that your videos only get shown to people that have shown an interest in products and services your company sells, are of a certain age, location or even what industry they work in.

The tools available today are constantly evolving and improving making it ever easier to connect to your customers.

Whichever route fits you best - having a clear plan for how your video or videos are going to get seen is essential.

To get an idea of how strategy plays a role in maximising the effectiveness of the content we create below is an example of a simple strategy of how we plan a successful content strategy,


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My journey from full-time athlete to working as a DOP and video production company owner.